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Academic Accommodations

De La Salle High School requires the full and timely sharing of information regarding any learning needs or associated accommodations for students. Parents should disclose all such information and understand that decisions on matters related to learning needs and associated accommodations depend on the full cooperation of parents in sharing needed information.

De La Salle High School uses the standards prescribed by the College Board (SAT) and American College Testing (ACT) services. This accomplishes two goals. First, it allows the school to update all of the records with common, recognized criteria for student accommodations. Second, when a student attains Junior and/or Senior standing and parents wish to request testing accommodations on the A.P., SAT, or ACT, the necessary documentation is on file. The proper forms will still need to be completed by the parents and the school, but the process will be greatly expedited.

The following guidelines for documentation are required. Documentation must be written by the diagnosing professional and meet ALL of these guidelines:

  1. States the specific differences as diagnosed;
  2. Is current (within the last three years);
  3. Describes the presenting problem(s) and developmental history, including relevant and educational history;
  4. Describes the comprehensive assessments (neuropsychological or psycho educational evaluations), including evaluation dates, used to arrive at the diagnosis: