De La Salle’s Statement on Belonging
De La Salle’s Statement on Belonging
De La Salle will boldly and faithfully live its Lasallian Catholic heritage by being an authentically inclusive community of belonging.
The Core Principles of a Lasallian school (faith in the presence of God; inclusive community; respect for all persons, quality education; and concern for the poor and social justice) and Christ himself “call us to overcome prejudices of race, culture, religion, [sex, identity, and disability] and to thereby discover the will of the Father.1” As Christ realized the importance of embracing our holy differences and the understanding that humanity is one, therefore there is no room for discrimination or exclusion in this community. We too are called to profound welcoming.2
To be a community of belonging requires each member of our community to work actively to ensure no individual is marginalized:
We acknowledge that “the change that must take place in us is interior3”; in order to externalize this desire for inclusivity, equity, and belonging, we must first internalize the call to community and the reflection it requires. There can be no external growth without internal transformation.
We work to recognize, understand, and remove systemic barriers so that all individuals feel empowered to pursue and fulfill their God-given right to live a full life and contribute to the common good.
We commit to understanding that words alone are not enough and we have to put them into action. We will hold ourselves and others accountable for creating a community of belonging where our actions mirror the words from our mission statement and our Lasallian Catholic heritage.
1Adapted from Lasallian Reflection 3: Lasallians Without Limits
2Adapted from Lasallian Reflection 3: Lasallians Without Limits
3St. John Baptist de La Salle, Meditations 152.2
About the Statement
In November 2021, De La Salle convened a Task Force on Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DIB) which includes faculty and staff, parents, alumni, and Trustees to consider how best to live out the school’s Lasallian Catholic heritage. Meeting monthly, the Task Force has been reviewing Lasallian and Catholic documents to inform its work. Through the work of the Task Force, De La Salle has released its Statement on Belonging, as part of its continued effort to identify ways to create a truly inclusive school community. The document will serve as a reminder and guide that every member of the community needs to actively do their part to ensure that no individual is marginalized, excluded, or discriminated against.