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De La Salle High School



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Graduation Requirements

Below you will find information about graduation requirements as they relate to each of our academic disciplines. To view the specific courses within these disciplines, please use our Course Description Grid.

For more information about graduation requirements, please visit our Profile of a Graduate page. 


Graduation Requirements: 40 Credits

At least 10 credits of English are required in each school year:

English 1: (10 credits)
English 2: (10 credits)
English 3: (10 credits)
Senior Year: (10 credits)

Note: concerning Honors Courses in the 9th and 10th Grades: The U.C. System does not certify any ninth and tenth-grade level courses as honors courses. Only AP English Language and AP English Literature are U.C.-certified honors-level courses.


Graduation Requirements:
20 Credits

All freshmen are required to take Basic First Aid / Health Education (5 credits). After the freshman year, students may fulfill the remainder of their graduation requirements by enrolling in any of the available electives and/or interscholastic athletics.

Note: Participation in interscholastic athletics, with the exception of badminton, may be applied to fulfilling HPER. Graduation requirements include a maximum of 5 credits allowed in a school year and a total of 15 such credits allowed over a four-year period. 


Graduation Requirements:
30 Credits

(Note: UC requires 3 years; 4 years recommended)

Note: If a student is placed in a math class (as a result of the appeal process) for which he does not meet the pre-requisites, a contract will be drawn up, and the student will be expected to attend the 7th period math tutorials for the semester.

Religious Studies

Graduation Requirements:
40 Credits

Religious Studies 1 (10 Credits)
Religious Studies 2 (10 Credits)
Religious Studies 3 (10 Credits)
Senior Religious Studies (10 Credits)

Note: Senior Religious Studies consists of one semester of a Capstone Course (either Senior Synthesis or Spiritual Journey) and one semester of an Elective (World Religions, Introduction to Philosophy, or Christian Service).


Graduation Requirements
(class of 2027 and prior):
25 Credits

Graduation Requirements
(class of 2028 and beyond):
30 Credits

10 Credits must be taken in Biology and a total of 35 Credits in science is strongly recommended.

Note: CSU requires 2 years; UC requires 2 years; 3 years recommended.

Social Studies

Graduation Requirements:
30 Credits

9th Grade: World History or Honors World History (10 Credits)
11th Grade: U.S. History or A.P. U.S. History (10 Credits)
12th Grade: Civics (5 Credits) and one Selective (5 or 10 Credits) or A.P. Government (10 Credits)


Some courses are not classified by a specific department and can be academic or non-academic. While credits count toward the elective portion of the graduation requirements, they do not count for specific departmental requirements. Students can only enroll in 5 credits of Inside Work Experience or Teacher’s Assistant annually.


Graduation Requirements:
10 Credits 

The required 10 credits in Visual and Performing Arts must be taken in the same discipline (visual, or performing arts) during the course of one academic year.

World Languages

Graduation Requirements:
20 Credits

Two years of the SAME language
(Note: UC requires 2 years; 3 years recommended)

Note: we offer world language courses in American Sign Language (ASL), French, Italian, Latin, and Spanish.