Bishop Cummins Scholarship Program
Our Bishop John S. Cummins Scholarship Program is a comprehensive program designed to specifically support students and families from diverse social, cultural, and economic backgrounds, including first-generation college-bound students. The program provides significant tuition assistance, emotional support, and additional financial support for many incidentals, along with a challenging and supportive learning environment.
Our mission is to connect our students and families with the necessary services and resources that they need to prosper and advance when they attend our school. Additionally, Bishop Cummins Scholarship Program supports and engages families in their student’s quest for higher education. By the end of their De La Salle high school career, our Bishop Cummins Scholars are not only prepared for four years of college but are open-minded leaders and life-long learners.
Expectations for Participating Students
Maintain a 2.5 GPA
each quarter
De La Salle’s
Join one
per year
Attend mandatory events
Meet with Counselors
Attend Spartan Hour
Academic Support
Scholars will meet with their program coordinator weekly to check their academic progress during Spartan Hour, which takes place after school, Monday through Thursday, in the Learning Center. All freshmen will also be required to take study skills classes to help them improve and succeed academically. The focus is on building academic confidence, igniting intellectual curiosity, and inspiring a love for learning.
Social-Emotional & Support
Scholars will meet with their counselor to cultivate a sense of belonging by emphasizing positive social identity building, self-advocacy, mental health, leadership, and empowerment. We provide counseling, outside therapy, and other mental health services for families that would benefit from these services.
Family Partnership and Support
We are a diverse community and it is important that every student and family feel that they are included and supported. Once a semester we facilitate engagement through family gatherings, meetings, and workshops. We also provide student support services for those students with IEPs, those experiencing family crises, and any other services our families may need.
College Preparation
Our Scholars work closely with college advisors, beginning as early as 9th grade. Students also take part in group visits to colleges and universities during their sophomore and junior year. The overall objective for all students is to know that a college education is achievable, affordable, and attainable.
Acceptance into our Bishop Cummins program is determined by school admissions and is by invitation only.