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De La Salle High School



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FACE Grants

Family Aid – Catholic Education (FACE) grants, are awarded by the Diocese of Oakland and are available for qualifying students. To be considered for these awards, you must check the FACE box when selecting schools on your De La Salle High School FACTS financial aid application.

Click here for the qualifying income guidelines for FACE (these are the FACE guidelines only).

For more information, or if you have any questions regarding the FACE qualification guidelines, please email or call 510-267-8314.

Important: If you believe you qualify for a FACE grant, please select the applicable box marked FACE on the FACTS application for Financial Aid. FACE will be listed as an organization associated with De La Salle High School under the Schools portion of the Application (Page 1). If you do not select the FACE application option, then you will not be considered for their grant.

If you are awarded a FACE grant, please note that we include it in your total De La Salle High School Financial Aid award. The FACE grant is not additional funding on top of general Financial Aid awarded to you.