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De La Salle High School



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Father & Son Retreat

Every year, our Campus Ministry department offers a Father/ Guardian / Father-Figure & Son Retreat. It is an opportunity to get away and spend quality time together, with no place else to go and nothing else to do other than explore their relationship. The retreat is open to students in all grade levels and we encourage every family to take advantage of this experience. 

Participants are led by the Campus Ministry team in activities that, with God’s grace,  allow them to evaluate and truly celebrate this crucial relationship. We know how hard it is to carve out this time in the busy rush of life; however, rest assured, the effort is well worth it.

Thank you for leading us and helping us to strengthen our bond with our sons. It is one of my absolute favorite activities that DLS provides!

Where: Vallombrosa Center, Menlo Park
When: October 5-6, 2024
Cost: $300 for both *

Click here to register

* Financial Aid is available on request. All participants will be billed six weeks prior to the retreat. Refunds are not given if the cancellation is less than 30 days prior to departure.

Please feel free to contact the Campus Ministry office (925 288 8185) if you have any questions.