COVID Protocols
The safety and well-being of our students remain an utmost priority and we will continue to adhere to all local, state, and national COVID-19 guidelines.
With that in mind, this landing page has been designed to house all relevant updates pertaining to the school.
We encourage everyone to work together and do their part to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 within our community. This means:
- Do not come to school if you are feeling unwell. Report illness and absence with Attendance.
- Do not come to school if you have tested positive for COVID-19 and are displaying symptoms.
- If you have COVID symptoms and/or believe you have been in direct contact with someone who has COVID, take a COVID test before coming to school.
Protocols for returning to school:
- When a student or employee tests positive for COVID and is experiencing symptoms, they should isolate at home until they have not had a fever for 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medicine), AND other COVID symptoms are mild and improving.
- A negative test after day 5 is no longer required to return to school as long as symptoms are improving and there has been no fever for 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medicine).
- Everyone who is returning to school should wear a mask for 10 days after becoming sick or testing positive (if no symptoms). You may remove your mask sooner than 10 days if you have two sequential negative tests at least one day apart.
There are some situations where students or employees should be isolated. This includes when they have a fever. Isolation should not be ended until the fever is gone for 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medicine). In addition, if other symptoms are not improving, students and employees should keep isolating until they feel better or until after Day 10.
What do I do if my son has to quarantine because of COVID?
- If your son has to quarantine because of a positive COVID case/prolonged exposure, you will need to alert the attendance office about the extended absence. These absences will be excused as outlined in our Student-Parent Handbook.
- Your son will have a school counselor who will be assigned to him as a resource throughout his absence.
- Your son’s teachers will post all relevant assignments and coursework for him on Schoology, as is our normal procedure for any prolonged absence.
NOTE: For privacy reasons, student medical information will NOT be shared with faculty or staff by the school. However, the student and family are welcome to share this information with each teacher at their discretion. Counselors and teachers will collaborate to provide the student with the necessary support.
Please visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) websites for updated guidelines for COVID-19.