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De La Salle High School



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Technology Resources

It's no great revelation. Technology has opened doors to students in a way that previous generations could only dream of having. Instead of searching through card catalogs, students can ask Siri or Alexa to look up information on their behalf.

Learning with and through technology provides a lot of wonderful opportunities for innovation, creativity, and more. Technology can engage, expand, and supplement student learning across the curriculum - when done properly. But, there are also many more dangers that students face through technology.

This page is designed to provide some resources, suggestions, and tools to help parents and guardians navigate through technology in a responsible way.

Tech Boot Camp and Tech Check

Once again, Tech Boot Camp is completely ONLINE. All 9th-grade & transfer students are introduced to the tech tools, applications, and expectations around their use at De La Salle High School.

To help students understand the tools they will be using, we offer a self-paced, online course covering how to pair devices with the school's WIFI network, the use of Google Apps for schoolwork, the school's Learning Management System (Schoology), PowerSchool, the De La Salle Library, wireless printing, Zoom and Google Meet, basics of digital citizenship, time management with technology, and virtual class etiquette.

  • New students will receive the online course information via email in July
  • Upon receiving the Certificate of Completion (emailed), bring your laptop to Freshman Orientation and Tech Check
  • Summer Tech Check for all incoming students for the 2024-25 school year is MANDATORY and will take place during the New Student Orientation on Monday, August 12. 
  • Tech Check is one of the stations students will rotate through. 
  • All Sessions: De La Salle Library

In addition, we host a discussion on developing your digital footprint and thinking before you post to social media. More resources can be found on the Common Sense Media resource page. Students will explore expectations and responsibility with technology and the laptops, in particular, managing their own distractions with devices through the use of tools like Self Control & Cold Turkey, and what academic integrity at De La Salle is and looks like in their actions.

Parents may find the following resources helpful:

Frequently Asked Questions
