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De La Salle High School



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School Spirit

To say that students are proud to be a Spartan is an understatement. On any given day, you will see hundreds of students wearing Spartan gear purchased from our Bookstore. But they are not alone. School pride is spread far and wide among students, alumni, family, and our entire extended community. It is epitomized by the positive support we get at athletic games, as well as all of the greetings our Spartans receive off campus when they wear their De La Salle branded clothing locally. 

It is this school pride that we harness when we put on certain events throughout the school year. A few of these activities are listed below.  

School Rallies

Planned by our student leaders

At least twice a year we pack our gym with 1,000 Spartans for fun competitions and general school spirit. Students cheer on classmates as they compete in imaginative games or take on teachers in 3 on 3 basketball. On special occasions, Carondelet's dance and cheer groups will join us in celebrating our sports teams. Additional lunchtime rallies are also planned before big games.


Planned by De La Salle & Carondelet student leaders

A themed extravaganza, Homecoming incorporates a week of dress-up days, lunchtime activities, a rally, and a dance. Seniors are chosen by their peers to be part of a Homecoming Court based on traits like Character, Faith, Service, and Leadership. They are then celebrated at the Friday night football game and the Carondelet volleyball tailgate parade.  

Spirit Weeks

Planned by Student Activities

Throughout the year we hold additional Spirit Weeks to keep the Spartan spirit strong. In the past, these weeks have involved things like the Winton Cup and 5 Days of Games. However, we don't need a Spirit Week to have a good time. When the weather is nice, or just when students need a pick-me-up, we'll throw in fun activities like water balloon dodgeball in the Quad.